Comeback Captions for Instagram

Best Comeback Captions for Instagram with Quotes [Cute]

Comeback Captions for Instagram: When you post comeback pictures on Instagram you need some perfect captions. Because posts are incomplete without captions. And if you are looking for the best Comeback Captions then this is for you. Here is a huge collection of the best Comeback Captions for Instagram.

We have collected these captions from various media. Which will help a lot in expressing your attitude. And your comeback photo will look amazing on all kinds of social posts, including Instagram. So choose the best Comeback Captions from here very easily.

Comeback Captions for Instagram

  • I know I left my sanity around here somewhere.
  • The bags under my eyes are Gucci.
  • “Champions keep playing until they get it right.”- Billie Jean King
  • “A tiger does not need to boast that it is a tiger.”
  • Books can teach you many nice comebacks. – Tamuna Tsertsvadze
  • Penny Hardway.
  • I was going to give you a nasty look, but I see you already have one.
  • “This is where I start my comeback. I will spend no more time asking God why doors have been closed because I’ll be too busy praising God for doors that are about to open.”
  • My mission in life is not merely to survive but thrive.
  • The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win. – Kobe Bryant
  • “Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.”
  • Books can teach you many nice comebacks. ~ Tamuna Tsertsvadze.
  • “I’m not a control freak, I’m just always in charge.”
  • I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not.
  • Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.
  • “Always make the comeback bigger than the setback.”
  • To admit you want to have a comeback means you have to admit you weren’t what you were supposed to be. You dropped below your own standard. ~ Marilyn Manson
  • The only way to prove that you’re a good sport is to lose.– Ernie Banks
  • Of course I talk like an idiot. How else could you understand me? – Unknown
  • No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets, I’m going to make it. ~ Les Brown.
  • You have to be at your strongest when you’re feeling at your weakest.
  • “A great champion deals with setback with a comeback.” – Donna de Varona
  • People trying too hard to be cool often end up becoming a joke.
  • “I just think, as a people in general, we should always look at ourselves as the underdog, so we should always go harder than the next person.” – Shaggy
  • It’s not too late for a new beginning. – Eleanor Brownn
  • Those who think it is not cool to be kind are cold-hearted.
  • My will can move mountains. – Tiger Woods
  • “If you don’t like me, the feeling is mutual.”

Best Comeback Captions for Instagram

  • Sometimes one day changes everything; sometimes years change nothing.
  • If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.
  • Gifted napper, talker, and ice cream eater.
  • If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.
  • If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make sure one of them is pretty.
  • I feel blessed to have as many comebacks as I can. – Paula Abdul
  • Make peace with your broken pieces.
  • Passion isn’t cool, it’s hot.
  • I build myself back up and come back stronger. That’s what I do.
  • “I’m not complicated, I’m just a work of art.”
  • “I’m not a morning person, I’m a coffee person.”
  • Insert pretentious stuff about myself here.
  • “An “Ex” is called an Ex because it is an example of what you shouldn’t have again in the future.”
  • I’m best served with coffee and a side of sarcasm.
  • Comeback is a good word, man. — Mickey Rourke
  • You’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
  • Take your time, recharge and comeback stronger.
  • “I’m not a dreamer, I’m just a visionary.”
  • Those people who tried to bury you didn’t know you were a seed.
  • I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.
  • Failure is not the end. It is the start of your comeback story.
  • A great champion deals with setback with a comeback. – Donna de Varona
  • In a world full of trends I want to remain a classic.
  • “Your opinion of me is none of my business.”
  • Nothing is cooler and more attractive than a big comeback, and that’ll be me.
  • “My comeback was not about winning or losing; it was about the feeling of being able to compete at top level again.” – Thomas Muster
  • Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.– Marv Levy
  • “That’s a great comeback the kids made. They weren’t about to give it up. This group of kids… they’re not going to quit until the buzzer sounds.” – Tim Branham
  • “I’ve dealt with adversity before, had injuries before. I didn’t let that slow me down. It just changed my attitude about the game.” – Deshaun Watson

Funny Comeback Captions for Instagram

  • Sports do not build character; they reveal it. ~ John Wooden.
  • “Failure is not the end. It is the start of your comeback story.”
  • It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up. – Vince Lombardi
  • “Don’t say Aretha is making a comeback, because I’ve never been away!” — Aretha Franklin
  • “I’m not just a pretty smile, I’m a work of art.”
  • “A champion is defined by the adversity he overcomes.” – Anderson Silva
  • “Whenever I take a break for a couple of years, people use the term ‘comeback.’” — Pranitha Subhash
  • “Never give up, never give in, and when the upper hand is ours, may we have the ability to handle the win with the dignity that we absorbed the loss.”– Doug Williams
  • “I’m not fat, I’m just big boned and full of love.”
  • “There’s nothing as exciting as a comeback – seeing someone with dreams, watching them fail, and then getting a second chance.” – Rachel Griffiths
  • “I’m a comeback waiting to happen. No one deserves it more than I do.” – Sean Young
  • “Those people who tried to bury you didn’t know you were a seed.”
  • It’s better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.
  • “I’m not short, I’m just concentrated awesome.”
  • Accept what is, let go what was and have faith in what will be.
  • Comeback is a good word, man. – Mickey Rourke
  • I think that’s one of the things I’ve learned through my injuries is that I need to play smarter. ~ Taysom Hill.
  • “I’m not a model, I’m just a role model.”
  • Falling down is an accident, staying down is a choice.
  • I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech. ~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
  • “My setbacks may have amused you but my comebacks are going to confuse you.”
  • The future is shaped by your dreams. Stop wasting time and go to sleep!
  • God has your come back planned and it’s going to be glorious.
  • I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.– Tom Landry
  • I always think of the good comebacks on the car ride home. – Ron Howard
  • Don’t worry, the spider is smaller than you… Yeah… So is a grenade.
  • “Many will start fast, Few will finish strong.”
  • I’ve always been an underdog. I feel like I beat the odds. – J. Cole
  • “No, I’m not insulting you. I’m describing you.”
  • “If you you don’t like me but still watch everything I do, then let’s face it you’re a fan.”
  • My setbacks may have amused you but my comebacks are going to confuse you.
  • I don’t make mistakes, I date them.
  • “I’m not a troublemaker, I just know how to have fun.”
  • Oh you’re talking to me, I thought you only talked behind my back.
  • “I am facing a challenge, I am not facing defeat. Remember this.” – Nikki Rowe
  • See the bowtie? I wear it and I don’t care. That’s why it’s cool.

Comeback Instagram Captions

  • “I have the memory of a goldfish, but at least I look fabulous.”
  • “I’ve learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.”– Tom Landry
  • I’m an acquired taste. If you don’t like me, acquire some taste.
  • I’ve never been cool and I don’t really care about being cool. It’s just an awful lot of time and hair gel wasted.
  • “My injury, I told myself to deal with it, and bounce back stronger. I think I have.”
  • “I’m not always sarcastic, sometimes I’m sleeping.”
  • Whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stronger. – Batman
  • A minor setback paves the way for a major comeback.
  • “I’m not a cheater, I’m just resourceful.”
  • A setback only paves a way for a comeback. – Evander Holyfireld
  • To have a comeback, you have to have a setback. – Mr. T
  • Just another paper cut survivor.
  • “The real glory is being knocked to your knees and then coming back. That’s real glory. That’s the essence of it.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “I’ve mastered the art of bouncing back.”
  • “There’s no need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time.” – Unknown
  • I do a movie once every four years and they call it a comeback. – Pam Grier
  • “When life unexpectedly knocks you down, make an unexpected comeback.”
  • The best of me is yet to come.
  • “When you’ve got something to prove, there’s nothing greater than a challenge.” – Terry Bradshaw
  • Making history, I mean… Insta stories…
  • “I’m not a diva, I’m just a queen with high standards.”
  • My name must taste good because it’s always in your mouth.
  • “I’m not always the sharpest tool in the shed, but I’m pretty good at pretending to be.”
  • “Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.”– Marv Levy
  • Your setback is just a setup for your comeback. – Steve Harvey
  • “The moment you give up is the moment you let someone else win.” – Kobe Bryant
  • “Well, any good comeback needs some true believers.” — John Boehner
  • “The more difficult the victory, the greater the happiness in winning.”– Pele
  • Sometimes you have to get away to come back stronger.
  • “I’m not crazy, I’m just differently wired.”
  • First I drink the coffee. Then I do things.
  • Don’t look back. You are not going that way.
  • Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and responsibility to pick yourself up. ~ Mary Holloway.
  • “I’ve found puddles deeper than you.”

Instagram Comeback Captions

  • Too bad you can’t photoshop an ugly personality.
  • I’ve mastered the art of bouncing back.
  • “I’m not old fashioned, I’m just classic.”
  • “I’m not always sarcastic, but today I am.”
  • Wondering how many miles I have scrolled with my thumbs.
  • If I was a writer I’d have a better Instagram bio quote.
  • “Take your time, recharge and comeback stronger.”
  • “I’m not weird, I’m just limited edition.”
  • “Tough times don’t last, but tough people do.”
  • “The only way to prove that you’re a good sport is to lose.”– Ernie Banks
  • Always make the comeback bigger than the setback.
  • “I don’t let the opinions of others define me.”
  • “Every time I show up to do something here it’s considered a comeback. If I came into town and they didn’t call it that, I’d be disappointed.” – Sheena Easton
  • You don’t have to make something that people call art. Living is an artistic activity, there is an art to getting through the day.
  • Weird is the new cool.Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  • “Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Naoki Higashida
  • Injuries made people lose confidence in me, but I never lost confidence in myself. ~
  • “I’m not a snob, I’m just highly selective.”
  • It was never easy. It’s not supposed to be easy. ~ Tiger Woods.
  • I’m coming back. Write it down in big letters. I’m not going out like this. ~ Mariano Rivera.
  • Just keep your cool and your sense of humor.
  • My comeback was not about winning or losing; it was about the feeling of being able to compete at top level again. ~ Thomas Muster.
  • “I would love to make a comeback, but I don’t know if people would want to see me.” — Karan Kapoor
  • “Your setback is just a setup for your comeback.” – Steve Harvey
  • A champion is defined by the adversity he overcomes. – Anderson Silva
  • Comeback is a good word, man. ~ Mickey Rourke.
  • “I’ve always felt like the underdog, and I’m comfortable with that label.” – Pink
  • “Always try to come back to your senses when in love, because that’s the moment you become almost carried away by sensuality and sentiments.” – Michael Bassey Johnson
  • When you say something and then think of a comeback that was 500% better.
  • “I’ve always been an underdog. I feel like I beat the odds.” – J. Cole
  • “There is nothing as sweet as a comeback, when you are down and out, about to lose, and out of time.” – Anne Lamott
  • I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong. – Unknown
  • “I’m not a people-pleaser, I’m just polite.”

Comeback Quotes

  • I’m a comeback waiting to happen. No one deserves it more than I do. – Sean Young
  • “Thanks for the follow, now please exit my feed.”
  • Real winners come back stronger than ever.
  • “Thanks for noticing, but I’m really just living my best life.”
  • Keep working when nobody is watching. ~ Alex Morgan.
  • I always prefer my puns to be intended.
  • Forget the failures. Keep the lessons.
  • “I was the undersized underdog who people never gave a chance. From that, the motivation to prove people wrong just grew and grew.” – Baker Mayfield
  • One of the few people on Instagram who doesn’t claim to be a social media guru.
  • “Comeback is a good word, man.” — Mickey Rourke
  • Every setback leaves behind a path to make your comeback.
  • “Don’t look back. You are not going that way.”
  • “I didn’t come this far to only come this far.”
  • Well, any good comeback needs some true believers. — John Boehner
  • “I’m not bossy, I’m the boss.”
  • Champions keep playing until they get it right.- Billie Jean King
  • “I am the underdog, and I want to prove that one can follow one’s dreams despite all the flaws and setbacks.” – Winnie Harlow
  • I’ve always felt like the underdog, and I’m comfortable with that label. ~ Pink .
  • He who keeps his cool best wins.
  • “I’m not a mess, I’m just creative.”
  • Words cannot express my love and passion for Fridays. The photos might help.
  • “Every setback leaves behind a path to make your comeback.”
  • “I’m not a sellout, I’m just upgrading my life.”
  • “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”
  • “My comeback game is stronger than your comeback game.”
  • I was sure I’d have the perfect answer sometime tonight. – Karen Tayleur
  • “Real winners come back stronger than ever.”
  • “Sometimes you have to get away to come back stronger.”
  • If you fall, worry not. The floor will be there.
  • If you ran like your mouth you’d be in good shape.
  • “A minor setback paves the way for a major comeback.”
  • I’ve always felt like the underdog, and I’m comfortable with that label. – Pink
  • Life is short… smile while you still have teeth.
  • America loves a good comeback story! ~ Laura van den Berg.

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