200+ Best Dinosaur Pick Up Lines [Perfect, Best, Funny]

Dinosaur Pick Up Lines: Dinosaurs are a group of reptiles that lived on Earth from about 245 million years ago until their extinction 66 million years ago. Dinosaurs ranged greatly in size, from small, bird-like creatures to giant sauropods that could grow up to 100 feet long.The extinction of the dinosaurs is still a topic of debate among scientists, but it is widely believed that a combination of factors, including a large asteroid impact and volcanic activity, contributed to their demise.

If you are looking for the best Dinosaur Pick Up Lines then this is for you. Because here is a huge collection of the best Dinosaur Pick Up Lines. Which will help a lot in expressing your attitude through words. From here you can easily get some great Dinosaur Pick Up Lines.

Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  • I am in love with you like how I love the movie of Jurassic Park and its overwhelming cast.
  • Hey Wendy! I have some new things you can club with this weekend. Come over to my place.
  • I may not be a megalodon but I have a mega-long-dong.
  • You’re like my Sacrum. Without you I would probably fall apart.
  • Did I make you horny? (Triceratops)
  • Come to my place? Stegosaurus in bed till the morning?
  • Funny, you don’t look Jurassic.
  • I’m not a megalodon, but I’ve got a mega-long-dong.
  • Hey Martin! Let’s make that attractive button-down Henley extinct.
  • Hey baby! I can make your bedrock even if am not a flintstone.
  • Are you a rare dinosaur fossil? Because I’m an impatient paleontologist, and I wanna date you badly.
  • If you are dinosaurs, then I must take you to my dangerous friends.
  • You must be an excavation site; cause I’m digging you.
  • Hey Wendy! Let’s do a Wilma and Barney, and bamm-bamm in my room tonight.
  • Did you know I’m a dinosaur? Yeah, I’m the elusive D-rachiosaurus.
  • If you were a dinosaur, you’d be a Tyranno-Gorgeous Rex.
  • Are you checking out my fangs or should I walk by again? (sabretooth tiger)
  • Hey is that a nest on your chest? You have two T-Rex eggs on you!
  • You should come home with me, because I’ll make you dino-sore.
  • I act like an omnivore. Come right away, I will eat everything this weekend.
  • Hey Jane! If you act like a dinosaur, you will be the Tyranno-Gorgeous Rex.
  • I have seen people expressing their fear for dinosaur but am already falling for you.
  • Are you a dinosaur because I want to find your boner. Lol, I meant bones.
  • You make my head spin round and round like a wheel.
  • Are you reading my body language because you are getting attracted to me?
  • Hey Jonnie! Can you visit my room so you can check out the collections of my Folsom points?
  • Come let me demonstrate how you will kiss a dinosaur.
  • Let’s go back to my place so you can play with my bonersaurus.
  • Hey Josh! Come right here and dig the bones in my pant tonight.
  • You are allowed to read my body language towards you.
  • Hey baby, do you maybe wanna try… ceratops?
  • I’m going to cast a spell on you like Azande witch doctors.
  • I’ll punch a pterodactyl out the sky for you baby.
  • Hey Jack! Is my brother that owns that Lil pet baby dinosaur?
  • I don’t like beating about the bush. These are the tricks you can use.
  • Hey baby! I wish to date you like the Uranium series, yummy you as yellowcake.
  • You can come in my pants and dig my bone up anytime.
  • Let’s forget the carbon and move straight to the dating!
  • You must be a raptor, because I want to ride you all day.
  • Have you ever imagine the reason why I am called Erectus?
  • Don’t spend a dime on the exploration of the minerals in my bone. I will use my energy.
  • Hey Jackson! I have a few things that will excite you. Come over to my house tonight.
  • If you were a dinosaur, You would be a FINOSAURUS!
  • Hey Lisa! Come and Jurassic-ing I back to my place.
  • No one knows the exact time we will be extinct. Let’s live this life to the fullest.
  • Why don’t you Triassic a little tenderness?

Best Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  • You should Triassic some tenderness.
  • You like dinosaurs, I like dinosaurs, let’s repeat it ten times.
  • You remind me of a dinosaur. I wanna dig for your bone in your pant.
  • Come to my place let me make you dino-sore.
  • Hey, baby, check my longitudinal series of small knobby prominences!
  • Come and mosey-osaur over in my room tonight.
  • You know what they say about a dinosaur with long neck… (Apatosaurus)
  • Let’s play the exciting “find the dinosaur” on this wide platform tonight.
  • Are you an archaeologist? Because I have a bone you can exam.
  • Come; let me cast a spell on you like the beautiful Azande witch doctors.
  • Hey Jane! Let me enjoy a smooth ride on you tonight because you look like a raptor.
  • Are you a triceratops or a tricerabottoms?
  • I know there extra letters, but only idiot expects a caveman to spell.
  • Both of us are like meteors resident in the sky.
  • StegosaurME and StegosaurYOU should go out on a date because Stegosaurus.
  • Hey, wanna come over and examine my collection of Folsom points?
  • Why did you have to end the Ice Age by being so hot?
  • You would have been a FINOSAURUS if you look like a dinosaur.
  • Hey baby, do you wanna know why they call me erectus?
  • People believe carnivores are not sensitive. Do you believe so?
  • I’m gonna tear you with my dactyl…
  • You are making me feel horny. I guess you are the triceratops.
  • This bone may not date to the Jurassic Period, but it’s still rock hard.
  • My love for you is stronger than that of the scenes in the Jurassic Park movie.
  • I’d wish you’d stegosaurus the night.
  • I guess you are a dinosaur because your love is writing all over my face.
  • StegosaurYOU and StegosaurME must go out on a visit because of Stegosaurs.
  • Hey Kay! Your friend said I look like a diplodocus. Do you wish to see my diplococcus?
  • You like clubbing? Really? Hey, look over there!
  • That attractive item on your chest looks like a nest. They are two T-Rex eggs in there.
  • Hey girl! Let’s play the dinosaur game. I will give you a simple clue. The clue is in my pant.
  • You the light that keeps my smile. Come and see the smile.
  • Hey baby! Am feeling like we are in the sweet Flirtaceous period.
  • Come and Triassic my little tenderness.
  • Your beauty is more striking than the preservation of Ötzi the Iceman!
  • Hey girl, want to see my bonersaurus?
  • When I’m around you, I am in ice age. I am hoping this will break the ice…
  • Let’s live this beautiful life right now. Coz we will be extinct any time.
  • Hey Lisa! Come and check my attractive longitudinal series of small knobby prominences.
  • Hey baby! I love and appreciate your triceps-ratops.
  • You and I, you and I, we’re like meteors in the sky.
  • Hey friend! Are you looking to overcompensate me tonight? Check this out.
  • Hey Jonnie! Have you ever heard anyone say you are dino-mite?
  • You look Jurassic beautiful. Are you a dinosaur?
  • I ran from that genetically modified hybrid mutant dinosaur because am afraid of it.
  • Anytime I stare at your face. I feel like visiting the museum because I assume I have died in love.
  • When I’m with you, my heart soars like a Pterodactyl.
  • Hey I got some few things you could club, over at my place.

Funny Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  • I have vestigial feelings for your attractive outlook anytime and any day.
  • Only an idiot will expect a caveman to spell the extra letters in this word.
  • Hey Jones! Why can’t you Triassic that little tenderness?
  • Did you see my mighty dinosaur beak or should I fly by here again?
  • Baby, I’m no Fred Flintstone, but I can make your Bedrock!
  • You must be the La Brea tar pits, cuz I want to get my bone stuck in that.
  • Come, let’s hiber-mate in this ice location tonight.
  • Hey baby! If you identify yourself as a dinosaur, I will take you to that dangerous guy.
  • My heart beats like a Pterodactyl anytime I’m spending quality time with you.
  • Are you a raptor? cause i wanna ride you around town.
  • Me Makey Your Bed Go BOOM BOOM! U Go Home With Me!
  • Wanna extract some minerals from my bone?
  • We no have wheels yet? You make my head spin round.
  • Are you from the Jurassic period cause jur ass is amazing.
  • You’re the tricera-tops and you’re making me horny.
  • That a new club in your loincloth or you happy to see me?
  • Leave carbon at home lets go on a date.
  • I am around today; you will experience my ice age because I will break it tonight.
  • Hey Lisa! Even though I don’t have a wheel yet, you are making my head spin already.
  • Hey Lisa! I appreciate you putting all the allosarus as you feel me.
  • Come right here; let me tear you with my strong dactyl.
  • I would have wished you had stegosaurus me tonight.
  • Do you wanna play the dinosaur game on me tonight?
  • Hey wanna come over for some bbq whole mammoth?
  • T Rex had arms that cannot be used to hug you but I can do better.
  • Dimetro-damn!
  • Do you know what people say about a dinosaur that has a long neck?
  • Living without you as a dinosaur will be like a Tyrannosaurus Wreck.
  • Jurrassic-ing me back to your place? Okay!
  • Hey Maria! You look like an angel. I am also a dinosaur.
  • Hey baby! Come and take care of this attractive item for me. My arms are short to handle.
  • Hey Chris Pratt! Let’s make that button-down henley extinct.
  • I always think BC stand for Before You Came Into My Life.
  • One look at you and I feel like I’ve died and gone to a museum.
  • Hey Kaze! See me in my room so I can make you a perfect dino-sore.
  • I like dinosaurs; you like dinosaurs, let’s get this thing going.
  • You can express your feelings about me because I’m a triceratops.
  • Baby I know I’m not a Flintstone but I will make your bedrock!
  • You as hairy as a mammoth; and it really turning me on!
  • Boy you as yummy as yellowcake, i ought to date you like Uranium-Series.
  • Hey baby! You act like an evacuation site because of the way am digging you this night.
  • Liken me to an elusive D-rachiosaurus if you know am a dinosaur.
  • I will make my bone stuck tonight because you are the La Brea tar pits.
  • Are you checking out my fangs or should I walk by again? (sabertooth tiger)
  • My love for you shines brighter than the meteor that’s heading right for us.
  • Hey Jackson! I have always opined that BC represents Before You Came into My Life.
  • Boy you as yummy as yellowcake, i ought to date you like Uranium-Series
  • Have you ever been dinosaur kissed? Allow me to demonstrate.

Cute Dinosaur Pick Up Lines

  • Just tell me you are a dinosaur so I can find your boner. I mean bones.
  • Every time you go, I have vestigial feelings for you.
  • Hey Melinda! You are making my head spin round like a perfect wheel.
  • It seems you resemble my Sacrum. I would have fallen apart without you.
  • Hey baby, you put the all in allosarus, you feel me?
  • Baby, if I were a dinosaur living without you, I’d be a Tyrannosaurus Wreck.
  • So do you come to watch dinosaur movies often?
  • Hey Mitchy! You dress like an archaeologist, come and examine my bones tonight.
  • Come kiss me if am not correct. Dinosaurs still exist in this age.
  • We should carbon date because our half-life would approach eternity.
  • C’mon Baby Light My Fire.
  • Hey baby, I’m a diplodocus—want to see my diplocockus?
  • Hey baby! Forget about carbon date; let’s move to the matter of my heart.
  • Let us carbon day because we have a half-life that is approaching eternity.
  • Are you an excavation site? Because I dig you.
  • Let’s play “find the dinosaur” with each other’s bodies!
  • Do you want to read my body language?
  • Am happy for digging you because you look like my excavation site.
  • Hey Love! You should be called cute-no-shares because you look like a dinosaur.
  • You can dig up my bone any day.
  • Hey baby! Though am not Fred Flintstone, I will make your bedrock seamlessly.
  • Let me pretend that you contain C12 so we can start dating.
  • Want to have some Tyrannosaurus sex.
  • I am your carnivorous T-Rex. Give me meat to eat.
  • If you are a dinosaur, then your name must be cute-no-shares.
  • Generally people afraid of dinosaur, I m too. But I m afraid of falling fall you.
  • Hey baby! Leave that carbon alone. Let’s go out on a fun-filled date.
  • One look at you and I feel like I’ve died and gone to a museum.
  • Baby, if I were a dinosaur living without you, I’d be a Tyrannosaurus Wreck.
  • Will I hiber-mate with you through Ice Age?
  • Don’t forget to dig that bone in your pant. Just like that of a dinosaur.
  • Baby, has anyone ever told you you’re dino-mite?
  • Don’t like to beat around the bush? These are sure to do the trick.
  • Lisa! Please follow me to my house so we can play with my attractive bonersaurus.
  • People say I’m a diplodocus, would you like to see my diplococcus?
  • See me in my place so I can stegosaurus you in bed till daybreak.
  • Did you eat that tree without chewing or are you just happy to see me?
  • Are you happy to see me, just like the new club in that beautiful loincloth?
  • I just ran from a genetically modified hybrid mutant dinosaur and, in the process, fell for you.
  • Lead me into your room. I want to play the exciting dinosaur game.
  • Don’t underestimate this bone. It may not date to the ancient Jurassic Period, but you will still enjoy it because it rocks hard.
  • I would love to plesiosaur you.

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