Guitar Captions For Instagram

Best Guitar Captions For Instagram And Quotes [Funny, Cute]

Guitar Captions For Instagram: A guitar is a musical instrument that is played by plucking or strumming its strings. It typically has a flat or slightly curved body with a long neck, on which the strings are stretched over a fretted fingerboard. The strings are usually made of nylon or steel and can be tuned to different pitches. There are several types of guitars, including acoustic, electric, classical, and flamenco.

When you post guitar pictures on Instagram you need some perfect captions. Because the perfect captions will go a long way in expressing your feelings through words. And if you are looking for the best Guitar Captions then this is for you. Because here is a huge collection of best Guitar Captions For Instagram.

Guitar Captions For Instagram

  • Looks like we’ve got an Instagram love story brewing in these captions.
  • I’ve been imitated so well I’ve heard people copy my mistakes.
  • He loves me. He loves me not…he loves me!
  • The guitar was my weapon, my shield to hide behind.
  • “My guitar totally wants to be your boyfriend.”
  • What is the one thing that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
  • Whenever I have my guitar I always feel like I’m in a different space where, here is my tool, and I have this power now.
  • You can’t buy happiness but you can buy guitars, and that’s kind of the same thing.
  • I’d like to thank the people who have helped me reach this level of awesomeness.
  • How do you make him stop playing? Put notes on it!
  • Guitars don’t care if you look at other guitars.
  • “Someone told me the smile on my face gets bigger when I play the guitar.”-Niall Horan
  • “I just play rhythm guitar”.
  • To me, a guitar is a kind of like a woman. You don’t know why you like ’em but you do.
  • I need a six-month holiday to just play guitar, twice a year.
  • The life of a guitarist is like the life of a cat, full of endless music, endless meows, and endless purrs.
  • “If you hit a wrong note, then make it right by what you play afterward.”
  • A person who never made a mistake never tried anything.
  • “My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.”-Joan Jett
  • I’ll play life time guitar for you if you do promise that you wouldn’t leave my hand.
  • If you’re not feeling this song, you don’t have ears.
  • The only thing better than a man with a guitar is a man with two guitars
  • Two musicians were walking down the street. One of them was a guitarist, the other one didn’t have any money either.
  • When the key to life is to “chill out” and “be yourself”, no one can stop you.
  • My guitar is the only girl that hasn’t broken my heart.
  • Play the guitar they said, you will get all the chicks they said.
  • Even the most beautiful person will have at least some insecurity.
  • If you pick up a guitar and it says, ‘take me, I’m yours,’ then that’s the one for you.
  • Just because it’s not your song doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.
  • “ My first love is Guitar, I am a music lover
  • I liked guitar videos way before they were on Instagram.
  • Guitars have been the obsession of my life. I first picked one up at the age of four and I’ve been a guitar junkie ever since.
  • If you hit a wrong note, then make it right by what you play afterward.
  • If we replaced guns with guitars, then the world would be a concert.
  • When you’re looking for the perfect caption for your Instagram post, try something fun and different.
  • “Sometimes, the most scenic roads in life are the detours you didn’t mean to take.”-Angela N. Blount
  • “Bass is for people who can’t play guitar” – Eddie Van Halen

Best Guitar Captions For Instagram

  • When you just want to be your best self, but the world is too busy doing what they do best.
  • The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar.
  • “Sometimes you want to give up the guitar. You’ll hate the guitar. But if you stick with it, you’re gonna be rewarded.”-Jimi Hendrix
  • When a guitar is being played, no one’s watching. But everyone’s listening.
  • The guitar is the easiest instrument to play and the hardest to play well.-Andres Segovia
  • We don’t know about you, but we’re feeling the need for some sweet guitar music in our daily life.
  • I died then went to hell and back.
  • Cooler than a cucumber, fresher than a spring morning.
  • “I want to live in my car, and make the road my home.”-Jarod Kintz
  • Music doesn’t lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music.
  • “I started playing guitar kind of by accident.”
  • I play guitar because it lets me dream out loud.
  • If you play acoustic guitar you’re the depressed, sensitive guy.
  • We know that you’re just as into your guitar as we are. Check out these fun captions for Instagram!
  • The only thing you gotta do is play the song and sing along with me.
  • “Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar, except, possibly two.”
  • There are no barriers to creativity. There are only limitations in your mind.
  • “The guitar is a wonderful instrument which is understood by few.”- Franz Schubert
  • Never B♭, sometimes B♯, always B♮.
  • I don’t know what people think of me.
  • I’m not trying to play the guitar. I’m trying to play music.”
  • NASA just announced that it is safe to play guitar without posting it on Instagram.
  • For those moments you feel like a rockstar, these guitar captions will definitely put you in the mood.
  • Guitarists, you have the most amazing ability to say so much with just one little sign!
  • We’re all about those sweet, sweet guitar captions.
  • “I learned to tune a guitar by ear. That method has served me pretty well.”- Charley Pride
  • You are not alone, you have your guitar.
  • “If you play acoustic guitar you’re the depressed, sensitive guy.”- Elliott Smith
  • The guitar is the instrument most complete and richest in its harmonic and polyphonic possibilities.
  • “The guitar is your first wings. It’s assigned and designed to unfold your vision and imagination.”- Carlos Santana
  • I bend, but I don’t break.
  • When you’re playing guitar, don’t forget to turn it up!
  • Guitar playing is just something that came to me and is really second nature now.
  • Never give up on a good thing, never give up, never give up!
  • One does not simply own enough guitars.
  • “I’m only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.”
  • “If you wanna write a song, ask a guitar” -Neil Young
  • I’m at a loss for words. But I’ve got some good ideas to share.
  • A good guitar is a kind that makes you laugh and cry.
  • Why can’t Woody play his guitar? He doesn’t know where his Pixar.
  • “ I love all the shops in this world, but I love the guitar shop most. “
  • The more you watch the more you learn.
  • The only thing funnier than a funny caption is two funny captions together.

Funny Guitar Captions For Instagram

  • What is the best caption for a photo of your guitar? Let’s hear it in the comments.
  • My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.-Joan Jett
  • The guitar has a kind of grit and excitement possessed by nothing else.-Brian May
  • “A guitar is like an old friend that is there with me.”-B.B. King
  • “I’m only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.”-George Harrison
  • If it was easy everyone would do it.
  • By “Tax return” you mean “New guitar”, right?
  • What do you know about love?
  • When you’re at the beach, letting go of all the cares of the world, and just looking out over the horizon.
  • We go together like drunk and disorderly.
  • His heart was like a battered guitar; worn and scuffed from a life spent out on the road, but still capable of bringing forth beautiful music.-John Mark Green
  • A guitar is more than just a sound box… it is part of your soul.
  • “ If I were to pluck on your heartstrings, would you strum on mine? ”
  • “Every time you pick up your guitar to play, play as if it’s the last time.” -Eric Clapton
  • If you like these, follow me for more of the same.
  • I used the “#” in front of everything before Instagram.
  • When you finally get the hang of it and make that first cool sound
  • The most frustrating thing about being a guitar player is that EVERYONE assumes you’re good.
  • We’re here for the good times, not just when you change your profile pic.
  • I didn’t have any friends or anything; I was a nerdy kid.
  • Life is a journey, not a destination. You’re never too old to learn something new and have fun doing it.
  • Go where the guitar takes you.
  • If you could build a guitar, what would it look like?
  • “ Not every person who holds guitar is guitarist, similarly not every person who holds your heart is your lover. “
  • Be you, those who mind, don’t matter, those who matter, don’t mind.
  • If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.
  • The only way to be cool is to act like it.
  • Music is a necessity. After food, air, water, and warmth, music is the next necessity of life.
  • Music is the food of life. Play on! – Shakespeare
  • Have you ever seen a more beautiful smile?
  • When you realize what your life would look like if you weren’t playing guitar for a living…
  • Where words fail music speaks.
  • Want a guitar player to turn it down? Give them some sheet music.
  • The key to one’s heart is hidden in their playlist.
  • Life is better when you’re playing guitar.

Cute Guitar Captions For Instagram

  • I never make mistakes when playing the guitar, I thought I did once. I was wrong.
  • A guitar is like an old friend that is there with me.-B B King
  • Nothing is more beautiful than a guitar. Except, possibly two.
  • Guitar is just something I can do. So much of it now is muscle memory, just instinct.-St. Vincent
  • “ The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar. “
  • The guitar is a much more efficient machine than a computer. More responsive.
  • This makes me happy.
  • I’m so happy I don’t have to “sing” for fun anymore.
  • You know that feeling when you can’t stop smiling? That’s how I am when I see a good guitar picture.
  • Unless the guitar works as a color, then I don’t use it, so I haven’t been playing guitar too much lately.
  • Is it possible to love a pick? We’re not sure, but we do for this one.
  • “The guitar was my weapon, my shield to hide behind.” ~ Brian May
  • It’s like having a friend that you can ride with.
  • “The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”
  • The only thing better than a guitar is a guitar that’s also a phone
  • “The guitar is like a cuisine and you can’t expect people to eat the same thing all the time.”
  • I don’t need a caption for this, do you?
  • Sometimes I feel like the song I’m listening to is exactly what I’m thinking. ‎I love music.
  • When life hands you a guitar, start playing it.
  • With a guitar I would be able to express the things I felt in sounds.
  • Any guitar solo should reflect the music that it’s soloing over and not just be existing in its own sort of little world.-John Frusciante
  • Gotta love this quality of life.
  • The guitar is my weapon of choice. It’s not to be played like a fiddle, but instead to be used as one.
  • So many funny captions for Instagram
  • Music is freedom, and being free is the closest I’ve ever felt to being spiritual.
  • “The guitar part is the pivot of everything we do, so if you change the guitar part you no longer have what it is.”
  • “I have to practice to be good at guitar. I have to write 100 songs before you write the first good one.”-Taylor Swift
  • All you need for a great weekend is some music and beer, friends, and maybe a driver
  • I never wanted to sing. I just wanted to play rhythm guitar – hide in the back and just play.
  • That’s a very nice pick you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if something were to just, swallow it.
  • “If we replaced guns with guitars, then the world would be a concert”
  • “Where words fail, music speaks.”
  • “A guitar is like an old friend that is there with me.”
  • I would like for us to have dinner, one of these nights. Candlelight. Soft guitars.
  • What is the difference between a savings bond and a guitarist? Eventually, a savings bond will mature and earn money.
  • “Guitar” is a funny caption for someone who loves to play guitar.
  • So I’m the lead guitar player, nice to meet you.
  • Your guitar is always there, just like your best friends.

Guitar Instagram Captions

  • My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.
  • I heard the band’s album was called “Life is a Highway.” I thought, “Great, turn that up!” I almost got run over by an 18-wheeler. #goodadvicessomehow
  • Any guitar solo should reflect the music that it’s soloing over and not just be existing in its own sort of little world.
  • Anyone can play guitar; however, the trick is playing it well.
  • The only way to get over someone is to move on and look at their Instagram posts.
  • The guitar is easy, all it takes is 5 fingers, 6 strings, and 1 a**hole.
  • My first love is Guitar, I am a music lover.
  • “The guitar is the easiest instrument to play and the hardest to play well.”
  • Sometimes music is the only medicine the heart and soul need.
  • “The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar.”
  • This is what happens when you don’t have enough face time with your guitar…
  • The guitar is the instrument most complete and richest in its harmonic and polyphonic possibilities.-Manuel de Falla
  • I’m only myself when I have a guitar in my hands.
  • These are the moments when you’re sure you’ve gone too far, and yet, completely unaware that your caption is funny at all.
  • You just got with the flow because life is just all about how you feel.
  • Good guitarists are made, not born. It takes years of practice and dedication to become a pro…
  • Guitar playing is both extremely easy for me and extremely difficult for me at the same time.-Kirk Hammett
  • The guitar is the easiest instrument to play and the hardest to play well.
  • Gonna wind it up on my guitar. Gonna make that silver sing.
  • If I was funny, I would have a good Instagram caption.
  • You’ve got the blues, but you don’t have to hide them from me.
  • You must relate your guitar playing to the world at large, and vice versa.
  • A guitar is like a letter to the world. It comes in all different shapes and sizes, but we’re always here to pick it up and keep on going.
  • To change the world, you have to get your head together first.
  • “To me a guitar is kind of like a woman. You don’t know why you like ’em but you do.”
  • True story: this girl tried to make a guitar pose, but ended up stealing the spotlight
  • First, you’re a musical genius. Second, you look great in your new guitar jacket. Third? It’s all good!
  • People take 300 selfies just to post one. This is the only one I took!
  • A guitar is just theoretically built wrong. Each string is an interval of fourths, and then the B string is off. Theoretically, that’s not right, all the strings should be off. ”
  • To me a guitar is kind of like a woman. You don’t know why you like em but you do.-Waylon Jenning
  • “My guitar is not a thing. It is an extension of myself. It is who I am.”
  • “The guitar is a much more efficient machine than a computer. More responsive.” – Colin Greenwood
  • We don’t know if people are feeling a little hopeless today, but we do know what they need. A good laugh. #throwback
  • We’re all about that life.
  • “Music is freedom, and being free is the closest I’ve ever felt to being spiritual.”- Ben Harper
  • If I were to pluck on your heartstrings, would you strum on mine?
  • The guitar is a wonderful instrument which is understood by a few.
  • Why can’t Woody play his guitar? He doesn’t know where his Pixar is.
  • A picture’s worth a thousand words. I’m going to do a little creative captioning though.
  • “I was put on this earth to play guitar and write songs.”-Noel Gallagher
  • The guitar is a small orchestra. It is polyphonic. Every string is a different color, a different voice.
  • What you bring to your playing is the sum of what you are.

Instagram Guitar Captions

  • My wife asked me to quit playing ‘Wonderwall’ on guitar. I said maybe…
  • The best kind of advertisement: No words needed.
  • “I just love playing guitar, so that’s what I’m going to do.”-St. Vincent
  • Don’t be afraid to rock the camera and a guitar.
  • “Guitar playing is both extremely easy for me and extremely difficult for me at the same time.”
  • “I’m a little teapot, short and stout. I’d love to play a little guitar, but it’s not very high.”
  • “I’ve been imitated so well I’ve heard people copy my mistakes.” -Jimi Hendrix
  • The only way to play the guitar is to sit down.
  • The best thing about a bad day is that you can write the next one better
  • Life without happiness is like a guitar without strings.
  • Keep working in silence.
  • Not every person who holds guitar is guitarist, similarly not every person who holds your heart is your lover.
  • Experimenting with different sounds is great, but when it comes down to it, you’re still playing the guitar.
  • The guitar has a kind of grit and excitement possessed by nothing else.
  • Photo of a guitar, caption: “I can’t play it but I love it.”
  • If you can’t be positive then at least be quiet.
  • You know that feeling when you’re standing in the middle of a room and everything just feels right? You’re gonna like this caption.
  • “The guitar is a wonderful instrument which is understood by few.”
  • The future belongs to the competent. Get good, get better, be the best!
  • I don’t always sing along, but when I do, I sing along to the guitar solo as well.
  • You have no idea what was going on before this picture.
  • Here’s hoping you don’t have to move
  • I was left with an urge to make the guitar sound like things it shouldn’t be able to sound like.
  • You can’t play guitar, but you can play guitar with your friends.
  • Dear music: Thank you for always clearing my head, healing my heart, and lifting my spirits.
  • “The guitar is a small orchestra. It is polyphonic. Every string is a different color, a different voice.”
  • “ Life without happiness is like a guitar without strings. “
  • I just go where the guitar takes me.
  • Play it loud and listen to your guitar
  • “Technically, I’m not a guitar player, all I play is truth and emotion.”
  • You go kid. I’m about to say things and let my fingers do the talking.
  • I’m pretty sure I’ve got the perfect caption for this photo.
  • “One day you pick up the guitar and you feel like a great master, and the next day you feel like a fool. It’s because we’re different every day, but the guitar is always the same…beautiful.”
  • I got a fresh start every day, it feels like I’m starting over again. You keep me on my toes and I can’t wait to see what you have in store for me next…
  • I love all the shops in this world, but I love the guitar shop most.
  • “I just go where the guitar takes me.”
  • The only thing better than singing along to songs is seeing the lyrics you love on the guitar
  • Not every person who holds a guitar is a guitarist, similarly not every person who holds your heart is your lover.
  • “How many guitars do you need?”, she asks. “Why, know someone who’s selling some?
  • You couldn’t not like someone who liked the guitar.
  • “At the point where the painting seems to not be going anywhere, I go and pick up the guitar.”-Joni Mitchell
  • “As far as guitar goes, it’s weird to have such a challenging activity in my life for so long – I love it. It kicks my ass every day.” – Vernon Reid

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