Exercise regularly. Yoga makes the body flexible, as well as being important for mental health.

Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water to stay healthy. It will keep you hydrated and also help in the digestion of food

Practice eating less at night. Eating less food at night will keep weight under control.

Instead of tea and coffee, green tea is more beneficial for the body. It increases the metabolism of the body.

Don't forget to skip breakfast. A full breakfast will make you feel energetic till evening.

Drinking less tea and coffee keeps the body healthy. Many people drink tea and coffee habitually.

Addiction is harmful to the body as well as the mental health. Alcohol and smoking cause lung and liver diseases.

Everyone loves to eat fast food. But these foods are harmful to the body. It contains more calories.

Good sleep affects both the body and the brain.

Walk at least 5,000 steps a day. Daily walking is as important as food for health.